Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why I love the KEnZ


You are pretty much the greatest thing this earth has seen. For real, I just love you and because you love making lists, I will compile a short, yet profound list of 20 reasons that make you so amazing. I LOVE the KEnZ!

1- The picture to the right-->
2- You're always up for buying treats at Maceys
3-You just get scholarships and don't tell me.
4- You cut people's hair and it looks HOT
5- Your fabulous collection of clothes
6- You make jewelry
7- You don't wash your hair
8- You're always entertaining
9-You're way good at making me feel better about facebook stalking
10- You kissed Dexter
11- You don't judge
12- You're a way good listener
13- You like peanut butter just like me
14- You can cook fried rice... thats a skill
15- Check that...You actually can cook anything.
16- You laugh and if we're lucky you pee:)
17- You teach me about new music
18- You are a great mix of the mitz and bradley. What a good combo
19- You teach Kimber about life
20- Check that...You teach me about life.

And, your beautiful, amazing and simply the best! Love you muchly...



Veva said...

the pic was to the right, apparently now it is above.. sorry about that.

Veva said...

Andrea, this is the one and only Kenz. Thank you so much. I won't get mushy on our blog but you bring me mucho joy. I tell you often, so don't forget it. If you do forget just look at all the texts I send you saying so ha ha. Thanks again.