Monday, November 17, 2008

I am glad that Aubrey has joined me and Andrea in the second decade of her life. It will be one full of exploration and wonderfullness.

I'm sure that it will also be full of impossible ideas to do things that are over the top, because that's how she has lived her life thus far ha ha. Aubrey, you will always be infamous for wanting to do things bigger, better, and probably more complicated that anyone I know, but that's why you're a gorgeous little innovator ha ha. I'm too lazy and wussy to be like you so it's a good thing I have you in my life. I hope that your birthday was wonderful and that you had fun even though you were down in snow.

Love, Kenzi

1 comment:

Veva said...

kenz that brought a tear to my eye i had no clue i influenced your life so much i love you and your hot bod to death!