Thursday, March 18, 2010

sup home doggssssssssss

this is your friend Lynzee Jayne Baxter. I am half Indian and half white. I currently live in cedar city utah 84720 but i am with rabid dog sitting on her bed. We are looking into each others eyes. oh how i see my future. leave me alone rachel. glare. anyways, i love tuna melts. so does rabid. anyway, school is really good. Running is getting better, my foot has been giving me problems for weeks now but its ok:) adam and i are officially...broken up:) lets see what else is going on...i have a fun new friend named steve who is cool. im 87% sure im going on a mission in the summer. i love all my roommates soooooo much and i love you guys beaucoup!!! listen to this good song its called until you by david barnes. check it sucka(s).

Sunday, March 14, 2010

This New Boy.

There is this new cute boy in my life. His name is Brent. Chelsea set us up on Valentines day and we've been dating ever since. I think he makes me happier than anyone I've ever dated, and I've only known him for a few weeks now. I just wanted you all to know. And also, i'm considering law school. mind you, considering. ha, if I decide to go, i have to take the LSAT this summer so that is why there is current thought. Love you all and wish we could have a party one of these days. Good luck with all your life activities and congrats B on your cute new boy DONALD:)


love ands.

We Love Exercise Balls

Kenzi look what I found while i was blogging the other day ha ha i thought it was way funny and i just had to post it cause this is kind of how i imagined you at your old work (top right pic) ;) Well girls you guys are kind of bad at writting on this cause the last few are all mine, about my crazy life. Oh and by the way B i really thought you were naming your baby Donald Durfey, til nicoley had to straighten me out haha. Love you all and keep blogging

love veva