Monday, September 22, 2008

Cause I use mouthwash, and sometimes I floss...

Well, I don't think I saw any of you girls this week. Weird.

I hope that you don't get too freaked out yet Andrea, just have fun with boy. Rach, hopefully the hurrah was okay, my parents said it wasn't nearly as good as years past though. Alice, you were a good nurse I'm sure, go you. And I'm also really glad my memos to you worked and you played with Coby. Britt, you're too busy for your own good; if you need any help don't hesitate to ask. I thought I saw you driving the cowgirl jeep but i didn't Aub... it was a sad time for me. And lynz... i miss you.

I feel like I want to document a few of my favorite things. Not real and tangible items, but non material things that make me happy. Here it goes...

Walks with Mitzi
Listening to new music over and over until it's not new anymore
naps... long mid-morning, mid-day, and mid-evening naps.
laughing so hard it hurts... but not peeing my pants
Autumn. best season hands down.
Sarcasm makes me less awkward I've noticed.
getting letters, a letter is guaranteed to make anyone's day better
watching people doodle (especially rachel ha ha)
attempting to cut Kimbers hair ha ha
different cultural events. Diversity is to be much appreciated
the idea of me getting a tattoo... since that's all it can ever be: an idea.
Thinking about all the fun places I want to travel to.
the smell of gun powder
picking my nose. I shouldn't like it but i do.
Those "ah ha" moments when you realize something you didn't know you needed to realize.
Learning new words. I wish I had a larger vocabulary.
going through phases. Everyone goes through certain phases and it's funny
The first time you wear new clothes. That first day of wear is magical compared to the rest.
People watching

Sizing up the boys in your classes the first time you see them. You know you do it too.

Brushing my teeth

Like my last list I could keep going but i will make myself stop. You can thank me later. I am so happy that this beautiful weather is upon us! We should plan a trip to a pumpkin patch or something fun and festive.


Veva said...

i too love the first day of wearing new clothes... ah, its those little things that make me happy. ha love you kenz-


Veva said...

kenz your list just made my day i love how you appreciate the little things in life love you girl
love aub