Monday, October 26, 2009

Sister Friend (sister fran)

P to the r-o-crastination~! That is what my life is right now. I am definatly waiting till the last minute to write this paper for tomorrow. I keep trying to work on it but it just doesn't work out. So you know how you just go throughout life and you think you are just living and going through the motions but then you have these periods and you realize these last three years or so you have just been learning so much about yourself. And that is why we have these years because we need to know what we are like. Yeah I was just thinking about that today. I have learned super huge amounts about myself. and how i act in certain situations and with certain people. Even though at times it was sucky learning it there is no doubt it will help me in the future!

So i have had this sudden urge and goal to do something daring and different this summer and next year. I feel like I just need to move somewhere preferably a city and start my teaching career maybe China or New York and start a side job in craftyness making! And I am going to meet new people and embark on a new life. And people will call me Alice and I will be this chic (pronounced sheek) girl and I will be so independant. And I will ride my bike places and eat cupcakes at cafes outside. and i will read books at the park and have lights outside my apartment hanging around. I will listen to the cutest music and dance around in my underwear and a tank top! i will watch the snow fall down on my balcony wearing cute sweaters and leggings. and write in my journal by lamp light. ha I hope this is not making anyone gag. i just need it so humor me. I just have to do it! But don't worry I will still write on the blog so no one will forget about me.

Well I probably should do my paper now. I already know its going to be crap! but i hope everyone is doing splendid and has a happy halloween. i'll probably see you.

love you!
Song of the week: Lullaby

alice N.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

my favorite part is when you say you want to move to a big city... preferably China... haha that is one HUGE city. love