Sunday, September 14, 2008

Come on everybody, do the belly wave!

Ya'll goin' make me loose my mind, UP IN HERE, UP IN HERE!
To the left is a sexy picture of me and my buddy, Old Faithful. I've been chillin' at Yellowstone, my new favorite place because it has buffalo. It freakin' rocks there, no one told me it was so saweet, definitely thinking of moving there.

Andrea---hey lady!
So since we both go to the same school I have some questions for you, since I pretty much don't know whats going on :) 1-How normal is the gym? 2-And do they have lockers there that you can rent? 3-Do you know how to utilize the library? ( Yeah, I know its a stupid question, but I really don't know) 4-How much is a football ticket? And can I get a discount on buying one for someone else? You know, you're really great. I'm sorry you have to deal with my incompetence. :)

Right over there -----> its called a party. Come to me if you want to have one.

Peace and LOVE,
Rabid Dog


Veva said...

Rach you totally look like a hippy! Loves it!

Veva said...

jackie i love it! we should all take a trip to old faithful ha ha love aubey lou

Veva said...

ok so i'm freaking ridiculous and don't understand BYU myself. I have been to the library a total of 2, yes count that 2 times. I avoid it like the plague cause i get scared. but my roommates love it so i'll have them teach me, then i'll update you. Also i know that the gym is fairly normal except for the part where you have to check out a t-shirt...uh ya, its real. they want everyone to be modest so they make you wear a fun BYU shirt. its not so bad, they wash it... ha. I think tickets end up being like 18 bucks or something like that. iF you get them earlier they are cheaper but now super butt expensive.

also i still have your CD's and also i bought some t's and i want you to help me make graphic coolness out of them!